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Visual & Performing Arts in Vermont

Visual & Performing Arts Schools in Vermont

592 students earned Visual & Performing Arts degrees in Vermont in the 2022-2023 year.

As a degree choice, Visual & Performing Arts is the 7th most popular major in the state.

Education Levels of Visual & Performing Arts Majors in Vermont

Visual & Performing Arts majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:

Education Level Number of Grads
Bachelor’s Degree 455
Master’s Degree 83
Associate Degree 31
Award Taking Less Than 1 Year 22
Award Taking 1 to 2 Years 1
Award Taking 2 to 4 Years 1

Gender Distribution

In Vermont, a visual & performing arts major is more popular with women than with men.


Racial Distribution

The racial distribution of visual & performing arts majors in Vermont is as follows:

  • Asian: 2.7%
  • Black or African American: 2.7%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 8.1%
  • White: 70.6%
  • Non-Resident Alien: 4.4%
  • Other Races: 11.5%

Jobs for Visual & Performing Arts Grads in Vermont

4,690 people in the state and 2,744,770 in the nation are employed in jobs related to visual & performing arts.


Wages for Visual & Performing Arts Jobs in Vermont

In this state, visual & performing arts grads earn an average of $54,910. Nationwide, they make an average of $64,340.


There are 10 colleges in Vermont that offer visual & performing arts degrees. Learn about the most popular 10 below:


Champlain College

121 Degrees in Major Awarded
66% Graduation Rate
4,137 Total Students

The student to faculty ratio is 14 to 1. Of all the students who attend this school, 100% get financial aid. Students who attend this private institution pay an average net price of $32,455.

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Bennington College

96 Degrees in Major Awarded
71% Graduation Rate
799 Total Students

9 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. 45% of the teachers are full time. This private institution charges an average net price of $29,787.

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University of Vermont

96 Degrees in Major Awarded
76% Graduation Rate
13,292 Total Students

80% of the teachers are full time. Seeking financial aid? At this school, 98% of students receive it. The student to faculty ratio is 17 to 1.

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Middlebury College

40 Degrees in Major Awarded
94% Graduation Rate
2,669 Total Students

Most students complete their degree in 4.09 years. 53% of students are awarded financial aid at this school. 91% of the teachers are full time.

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40 Degrees in Major Awarded
371 Total Students
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Goddard College

37 Degrees in Major Awarded
29% Graduation Rate
366 Total Students

This school boasts a lower than average student loan default rate of 0.70%. 83% of students get financical aid. The full-time teacher rate is 90%.

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26 Degrees in Major Awarded
5,102 Total Students

Of all the students who attend this school, 97% get financial aid. 21 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. Students who attend this public school pay an average net price of $9,734.

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Saint Michael's College

18 Degrees in Major Awarded
75% Graduation Rate
1,724 Total Students

Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 10 to 1. This private institution charges an average net price of $25,392. It takes the average student 4.09 years to graduate.

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Visual & Performing Arts Careers in VT

Some of the careers visual & performing arts majors go into include:

Job Title VT Job Growth VT Median Salary
Producers and Directors 4% $52,220
Interior Designers 0% $48,580
Archivists 0% $46,940

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