Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies Schools in Illinois
601 students earned Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies degrees in Illinois in the 2020-2021 year.
As a degree choice, Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies is the 16th most popular major in the state.
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Education Levels of Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies Majors in Illinois
Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:
Education Level | Number of Grads |
Master’s Degree | 505 |
Post-Master’s Certificate | 63 |
Postbaccalaureate Certificate | 63 |
Doctor’s Degree (Research / Scholarship) | 33 |
Doctor’s Degree (Professional Practice) | 33 |
Doctor’s Degree (Other) | 33 |
Gender Distribution
In Illinois, a multi / interdisciplinary studies major is more popular with women than with men.

Racial Distribution
The racial distribution of multi / interdisciplinary studies majors in Illinois is as follows:
- Asian: 8.3%
- Black or African American: 7.5%
- Hispanic or Latino: 9.5%
- White: 35.6%
- Non-Resident Alien: 33.6%
- Other Races: 5.5%

Jobs for Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies Grads in Illinois
In this state, there are 104,520 people employed in jobs related to a multi / interdisciplinary studies degree, compared to 2,654,640 nationwide.

Wages for Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies Jobs in Illinois
A typical salary for a multi / interdisciplinary studies grad in the state is $69,480, compared to a typical salary of $78,820 nationwide.

Most Popular Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies Programs in IL
There are 11 colleges in Illinois that offer multi / interdisciplinary studies degrees. Learn about the most popular 11 below:
Seeking financial aid? At this school, 98% of students receive it. It takes the average student 4.21 years to graduate. The full-time teacher rate is 49%.
The average student takes 4.50 years to complete their degree at Illinois Tech. 10 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. Of all the students who attend this school, 100% get financial aid.
18 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. Students who attend this public school pay an average net price of $13,214. It takes the average student 4.51 years to graduate.
It takes the average student 4.13 years to graduate. Students who attend this private institution pay an average net price of $23,279. This school boasts a lower than average student loan default rate of 0.60%.
Grads earn an average early-career salary of $59,402 after earning their degree at this institution. 20 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. The 2.30% student loan default rate is lower than average.
39% of the teachers are full time. 10 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. In their early career, Dominican U grads earn an average salary of $44,152.
The average student takes 4.35 years to complete their degree at EIU. Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 14 to 1. The student loan default rate of 6.10% is a good sign that graduates can afford their loan payments.
Grads earn an average early-career salary of $65,683 after earning their degree at this institution. 5 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. This school boasts a lower than average student loan default rate of 0.30%.
This public college charges it's students an average net price of $15,305. Most students complete their degree in 4.39 years. The full-time teacher rate is 88%.
It takes the average student 4.07 years to graduate. 5 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. This private institution charges an average net price of $28,517.
12 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. Roughly six years after entering college, graduates of this school earn $42,781 a year. Seeking financial aid? At this school, 98% of students receive it.
Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies Careers in IL
Some of the careers multi / interdisciplinary studies majors go into include:
Job Title | IL Job Growth | IL Median Salary |
Political Scientists | 13% | $81,390 |
Archivists | 10% | $60,580 |
Museum Technicians and Conservators | 10% | $42,870 |
Curators | 10% | $49,680 |
Geoscientists | 10% | $61,400 |
Computer Workers | 9% | $0 |
Accountants and Auditors | 8% | $71,470 |
Community and Social Service Specialists | 8% | $36,470 |
Environmental Scientists and Specialists | 6% | $74,850 |
Biological Science Professors | 5% | $72,880 |
Dietitians and Nutritionists | 5% | $58,650 |
Natural Sciences Managers | 4% | $113,180 |
Dietetic Technicians | 4% | $22,930 |
Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists | 4% | $54,820 |
Biological Scientists | 4% | $83,370 |
Social Scientists | 3% | $76,160 |
Social Sciences Professors | 3% | $45,630 |
Life Scientists | 3% | $85,920 |
Medical Scientists | 1% | $75,990 |
Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Professors | 0% | $69,230 |
Anthropologists and Archeologists | 0% | $62,330 |
Historians | 0% | $63,600 |
Physical Scientists | 0% | $105,390 |
Labor Relations Specialists | -11% | $59,460 |
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