Philosophy & Religious Studies Schools in Virginia
1,095 Philosophy & Religious Studies students earned their degrees in the state in 2022-2023.
As a degree choice, Philosophy & Religious Studies is the 21st most popular major in the state.
Education Levels of Philosophy & Religious Studies Majors in Virginia
Philosophy & Religious Studies majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:
Education Level | Number of Grads |
Bachelor’s Degree | 930 |
Associate Degree | 101 |
Doctor’s Degree (Research / Scholarship) | 29 |
Doctor’s Degree (Professional Practice) | 29 |
Doctor’s Degree (Other) | 29 |
Master’s Degree | 26 |
Post-Master’s Certificate | 9 |
Postbaccalaureate Certificate | 9 |
Gender Distribution
In Virginia, a philosophy & religious studies major is more popular with men than with women.

Racial Distribution
The racial distribution of philosophy & religious studies majors in Virginia is as follows:
- Asian: 2.4%
- Black or African American: 12.5%
- Hispanic or Latino: 5.1%
- White: 60.5%
- Non-Resident Alien: 1.6%
- Other Races: 17.9%

Jobs for Philosophy & Religious Studies Grads in Virginia
There are 4,830 people in the state and 147,040 people in the nation working in philosophy & religious studies jobs.

Wages for Philosophy & Religious Studies Jobs in Virginia
In this state, philosophy & religious studies grads earn an average of $76,950. Nationwide, they make an average of $87,140.

Most Popular Philosophy & Religious Studies Programs in VA
There are 10 colleges in Virginia that offer philosophy & religious studies degrees. Learn about the most popular 10 below:
This private institution charges an average net price of $29,882. Most students complete their degree in 4.47 years. 18 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio.
Request Information54% of students are awarded financial aid at this school. This public college charges it's students an average net price of $23,101. Of all the teachers who work at the school, 96% are considered full time.
Request Information71% of students are awarded financial aid at this school. A typical student attending Virginia Tech will pay a net price of $20,292. The full-time teacher rate is 99%.
Request InformationA typical student attending William & Mary will pay a net price of $19,442. Seeking financial aid? At this school, 79% of students receive it. 77% of the teachers are full time.
Request InformationSeeking financial aid? At this school, 90% of students receive it. Most students complete their degree in 4.40 years. This public school has an average net price of $20,405.
Request InformationMost students complete their degree in 4.36 years. Seeking financial aid? At this school, 80% of students receive it. Of all the teachers who work at the school, 52% are considered full time.
Request Information12 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. This public school has an average net price of $22,066. The full-time teacher rate is 71%.
Request InformationMost students complete their degree in 4.20 years. Students who attend this public school pay an average net price of $22,465. The full-time teacher rate is 81%.
Request InformationMost students complete their degree in 4.05 years. Students who attend this private institution pay an average net price of $29,479. The full-time teacher rate is 88%.
Request Information13 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. Seeking financial aid? At this school, 77% of students receive it. It takes the average student 4.14 years to graduate.
Request InformationPhilosophy & Religious Studies Careers in VA
Some of the careers philosophy & religious studies majors go into include:
Job Title | VA Job Growth | VA Median Salary |
Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Professors | 14% | $66,220 |
Related Majors in Virginia
Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to philosophy & religious studies.
Major | Annual Graduates in VA |
Liberal Arts & Humanities | 9,302 |
Social Sciences | 7,636 |
Theology & Religious Vocations | 2,592 |
Communication & Journalism | 2,555 |
English Language & Literature | 1,778 |
History | 1,500 |
Family, Consumer & Human Sciences | 1,110 |
Foreign Languages & Linguistics | 808 |
View all majors related to Philosophy & Religious Studies
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