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Master's Degree in Area Studies, Other

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Master’s Degrees in Area Studies, Other

26 Yearly Graduations
50% Women
27% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*
There are 10 schools in the United States where you can get your master's degree in area studies, other. This major attracts roughly equal numbers of men and women. Around 27 of these students are from underrepresented racial-ethnic groups. Also, 15.4% of area studies, other graduates were international students.

Education Levels of Area Studies, Other Majors

During the most recent year for which data is available, 26 people earned their master's degree in area studies, other. This makes it the 751st most popular master's degree program in the country.

The following table shows the number of diplomas awarded in area studies, other at each degree level.

Education Level Number of Grads
Master’s Degree 26
Doctor’s Degree 14
Graduate Certificate 6

Earnings of Area Studies, Other Majors With Master’s Degrees

We are unable to calculate the median earnings for area studies, other majors with their master's degree due to lack of data.

Student Debt

The data on debt ranges for area studies, other majors who have their master's degree is not available.

Student Diversity

A master's degree in area studies, other is about equally as popular with men as it is with women.

Gender Number of Grads
Men 13
Women 13

The racial-ethnic distribution of area studies, other master’s degree students is as follows:

Race/Ethnicity Number of Grads
Asian 0
Black or African American 0
Hispanic or Latino 5
White 15
International Students 4
Other Races/Ethnicities 2

There are 10 colleges that offer a master’s degree in area studies, other. Learn more about the most popular 10 below:

10 Yearly Graduations
75% Women
25% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Arkansas State University - Main Campus tops the list of the most popular school in the U.S. for area studies, other majors who are seeking their master's degree. Roughly 13,100 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $6,888 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $6,282 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 10 people received their master's degree in area studies, other from A-State. About 75% of this group were women, and 25% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.

7 Yearly Graduations
67% Women
17% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

University of Washington - Seattle Campus is the 2nd most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in area studies, other. Roughly 48,100 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $11,189 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $17,004 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 7 people received their master's degree in area studies, other from UW Seattle. Of these students, 67% were women and 17% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


Appalachian State University

Boone, North Carolina
4 Yearly Graduations
17% Women

The 3rd most popular school in the country for area studies, other majors who are seeking their master's degree is Appalachian State University. Each year, around 20,000 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $4,242 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $4,839 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 4 people received their master's degree in area studies, other from Appalachian State.


University of Connecticut

Storrs, Connecticut
2 Yearly Graduations
67% Women
67% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 4th most popular school in the country for area studies, other majors who are seeking their master's degree is University of Connecticut. Each year, around 27,200 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $15,672 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $18,174 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 2 people received their master's degree in area studies, other from UCONN. About 67% of this group were women, and 67% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


University of Virginia - Main Campus

Charlottesville, Virginia
2 Yearly Graduations
33% Women

The 4th most popular school in the country for area studies, other majors who are seeking their master's degree is University of Virginia - Main Campus. Each year, around 25,600 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $18,059 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $18,382 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 2 people received their master's degree in area studies, other from University of Virginia.


University of Alaska Fairbanks

Fairbanks, Alaska
1 Yearly Graduations
100% Women

University of Alaska Fairbanks is the 7th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in area studies, other. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $7,659 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $11,535 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 1 people received their master's degree in area studies, other from UAF.


University of California - Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, California
1 Yearly Graduations
100% Women

University of California - Santa Barbara comes in at #7 on our list of the most popular colleges offering master's degrees in area studies, other. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $11,564 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $11,700 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 1 people received their master's degree in area studies, other from UCSB. About 100% of this group were women, and 100% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


Stanford University

Stanford, California
1 Yearly Graduations

Stanford University is the 7th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a master's degree in area studies, other. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $57,693 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $56,487 per year. During the most recent year for which we have data, 1 people received their master's degree in area studies, other from Stanford.

Below are some popular majors that are similar to area studies, other that offer master’s degrees.

Major Annual Degrees Awarded


*The racial-ethnic minority student count is calculated by taking the total number of students and subtracting white students, international students, and students whose race/ethnicity was unknown. This number is then divided by the total number of students at the school to obtain the percentage of racial-ethnic minorities.

More about our data sources and methodologies.

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