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Math Teacher Education in West Virginia

Math Teacher Education Schools in West Virginia

No student earned a Math Teacher Education degree in West Virginia in 2022-2023.

In terms of popularity, Math Teacher Education is the 187th most popular major in the state out of a total 209 majors commonly available.

Jobs for Math Teacher Education Grads in West Virginia

There are 9,260 people in the state and 1,773,720 people in the nation working in math teacher education jobs.


Wages for Math Teacher Education Jobs in West Virginia

Math Teacher Education grads earn an average of $47,050 in the state and $64,340 nationwide.


Math Teacher Education Careers in WV

Some of the careers math teacher education majors go into include:

Job Title WV Job Growth WV Median Salary
Education Professors 10% $54,640
Middle School Teachers 8% $45,610
High School Teachers 8% $46,270

Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to math teacher education.

Major Annual Graduates in WV
Physical Education & Coaching 181
Reading Education 25
Trade & Industrial Education 14
Agricultural Education 4

View all majors related to Math Teacher Education

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