Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs Schools in Tennessee
This data is not available.
Racial Distribution
The racial distribution of education/teaching of individuals in early childhood special education programs majors in Tennessee is as follows:
- Asian: 0.0%
- Black or African American: 0.0%
- Hispanic or Latino: 0.0%
- White: 100.0%
- Non-Resident Alien: 0.0%
- Other Races: 0.0%

Jobs for Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs Grads in Tennessee
There are 260 people in the state and 23,480 people in the nation working in education/teaching of individuals in early childhood special education programs jobs.

Wages for Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs Jobs in Tennessee
A typical salary for a education/teaching of individuals in early childhood special education programs grad in the state is $48,000, compared to a typical salary of $61,610 nationwide.

Education/Teaching of Individuals in Early Childhood Special Education Programs Careers in TN
Some of the careers education/teaching of individuals in early childhood special education programs majors go into include:
Job Title | TN Job Growth | TN Median Salary |
Special Education Preschool Teachers | 13% | $46,860 |
Related Majors in Tennessee
Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to education/teaching of individuals in early childhood special education programs.
Major | Annual Graduates in TN |
General Special Education | 122 |
Teaching for Visually Impaired | 13 |
Teaching for Autism | 3 |
Elementary Special Education | 3 |
Teaching for Multiple Disabilities | 2 |
Teaching for the Deaf | 1 |
Teaching for Gifted & Talented | 1 |
Secondary Special Education | 1 |
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New Jersey
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West Virginia
- College Factual
- National Center for Education Statistics
- O*NET Online
- Image Credit: By woodleywonderworks under License
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