Computer Game Programming Schools in Illinois
This data is not available.
A Computer Game Programming major is the 538th most popular major in this state.
Education Levels of Computer Game Programming Majors in Illinois
Computer Game Programming majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:
Education Level | Number of Grads |
Award Taking 1 to 2 Years | 1 |
Award Taking 2 to 4 Years | 1 |
Racial Distribution
The racial distribution of computer game programming majors in Illinois is as follows:
- Asian: 0.0%
- Black or African American: 0.0%
- Hispanic or Latino: 0.0%
- White: 0.0%
- Non-Resident Alien: 0.0%
- Other Races: 100.0%

Jobs for Computer Game Programming Grads in Illinois

Wages for Computer Game Programming Jobs in Illinois

Most Popular Computer Game Programming Programs in IL
There is one school in the state that offers this degree.
The student to faculty ratio is 17 to 1. This private school has an average net price of $29,430. 99% of students get financical aid.
Request InformationRelated Programs
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Learn the applied programming skills needed to fill in-demand tech roles when you earn your online AS in Computer Science at Southern New Hampshire University.
Learn the front-end design and back-end development skills employers look for in full stack software developers with this online bachelor's degree in computer science from Southern New Hampshire University.
BS in Computer Science - Software Engineering
With a software engineering degree, you'll learn the fundamental concepts and principles – a systematic approach used to develop software on time, on budget and within specifications – throughout your online college classes at SNHU.
Related Majors in Illinois
Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to computer game programming.
Major | Annual Graduates in IL |
General Computer Programming | 331 |
Specific Application Programming | 61 |
Other Computer Programming | 57 |
View all majors related to Computer Game Programming
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