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Virginia Graduate Schools

#9 Most Popular State/Terr. for Grad Students
56 Colleges
$51,014 Avg 4-Year Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, 36,792 students received a graduate degree in Virginia, making it rank #9 in the nation in terms of graduations. Graduate students from Virginia can take advantage of in-state tuition, which averages about $12,754 per year. Out-of-state graduate tuition averages $16,419. Depending on the school you go to, you may have to pay quite a bit more - or quite a bit less.

Learn more about the most popular graduate schools in the state below:


Liberty University

Lynchburg, Virginia
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$8,405 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Liberty University handed out 12,328 graduate degrees. This makes it the #1 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Liberty University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $7,893 $7,893
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $512 $512
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $477 $477


George Mason University

Fairfax, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$17,035 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 56 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, GMU ranked #2 in terms of popularity with 4,386 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for George Mason University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,426 $35,377
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $3,609 $3,609
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $710 $1,624


University of Virginia - Main Campus

Charlottesville, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$21,742 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

University of Virginia handed out 3,158 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #3 most popular graduate school in the state. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Virginia - Main Campus

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $18,382 $30,790
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $3,360 $4,042
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $827 $1,394


Virginia Tech

Blacksburg, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$17,083 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Virginia Tech was ranked the #4 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 2,463 graduate degrees were handed out that year. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Virginia Tech

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $14,521 $29,267
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $2,562 $3,166
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $807 $1,626


Virginia Commonwealth University

Richmond, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$15,754 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 56 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, VCU ranked #5 in terms of popularity with 2,362 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Virginia Commonwealth University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $12,618 $25,956
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $3,136 $3,826
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $723 $1,486


Regent University

Virginia Beach, Virginia
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$17,628 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Regent University was ranked the #6 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 1,646 graduate degrees were handed out that year. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Regent University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $16,028 $16,028
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,600 $1,600
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $668 $668


Old Dominion University

Norfolk, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$13,704 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Old Dominion handed out 1,352 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #7 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Old Dominion University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,519 $29,851
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $3,185 $3,605
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $571 $1,394


William & Mary

Williamsburg, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$16,776 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, William & Mary handed out 1,029 graduate degrees. This makes it the #8 most popular school in the state in this category. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for William & Mary

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,516 $28,305
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $6,260 $6,831
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $584 $1,573


James Madison University

Harrisonburg, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$12,696 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

JMU handed out 801 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #9 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for James Madison University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $11,520 $28,320
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,176 $1,176
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $529 $1,251


Shenandoah University

Winchester, Virginia
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$24,060 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 56 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Shenandoah ranked #10 in terms of popularity with 675 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Shenandoah University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $22,680 $22,680
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,380 $1,380
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $945 $945


University of Lynchburg

Lynchburg, Virginia
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$10,605 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 56 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Lynchburg ranked #11 in terms of popularity with 563 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Lynchburg

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,485 $10,485
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $120 $120
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $583 $583


Radford University

Radford, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$12,942 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Radford handed out 507 graduate degrees. This makes it the #12 most popular school in the state in this category. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Radford University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $9,182 $17,964
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $3,760 $4,207
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $382 $748


Marymount University

Arlington, Virginia
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$21,916 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 56 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Marymount ranked #13 in terms of popularity with 502 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Marymount University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $21,420 $21,420
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $496 $496
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $1,190 $1,190


Eastern Virginia Medical School

Norfolk, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$25,201 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Eastern Virginia Medical School handed out 488 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #14 most popular graduate school in the state. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Eastern Virginia Medical School

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $23,882 $25,406
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,319 $1,319
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $989 $1,139

Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private

Out of the 56 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, VCOM ranked #15 in terms of popularity with 475 graduate degrees handed out in 2021.


Strayer University - Virginia

Arlington, Virginia
Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$15,135 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Strayer University - Virginia handed out 438 graduate degrees. This makes it the #16 most popular school in the state in this category. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Strayer University - Virginia

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $14,940 $14,940
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $195 $195
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $533 $533


University of Richmond

University of Richmond, Virginia
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$26,280 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

University of Richmond was ranked the #17 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 267 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Richmond

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $26,280 $26,280
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $1,090 $1,090

Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$7,110 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, University of Management and Technology handed out 248 graduate degrees. This makes it the #18 most popular school in the state in this category. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Management and Technology

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $7,020 $7,020
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $90 $90
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $390 $390


Mary Baldwin University

Staunton, Virginia
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$13,170 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Mary Baldwin handed out 220 graduate degrees. This makes it the #19 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Mary Baldwin University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,000 $13,000
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $170 $170
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $701 $701


Hampton University

Hampton, Virginia
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$13,134 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Hampton handed out 206 graduate degrees. This makes it the #20 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Hampton University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,099 $13,099
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $35 $35
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $665 $665


Longwood University

Farmville, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$7,776 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Longwood handed out 204 graduate degrees. This makes it the #21 most popular school in the state in this category. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Longwood University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $6,678 $17,910
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,098 $1,476
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $432 $1,077


ECPI University

Virginia Beach, Virginia
Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$13,625 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

ECPI University was ranked the #22 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 181 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for ECPI University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $12,960 $12,960
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $665 $665


University of Mary Washington

Fredericksburg, Virginia
Public Public vs. Private
$11,778 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, UMW handed out 164 graduate degrees. This makes it the #23 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Mary Washington

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,928 $18,954
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $2,850 $2,850
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $651 $1,208


University of the Potomac - VA Campus

Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$5,850 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

University of the Potomac - VA Campus handed out 160 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #24 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of the Potomac - VA Campus

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $5,400 $5,400
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $450 $450


Bluefield College

Bluefield, Virginia
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$9,540 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Bluefield College handed out 142 graduate degrees. This makes it the #25 most popular school in the state in this category. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Bluefield College

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,910 $8,910
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $630 $630
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $496 $496

Other Virginia Colleges

Rank School Yearly Graduations
26 Norfolk State University 134
27 Stratford University 127
28 Averett University 126
29 Eastern Mennonite University 123
30 Washington and Lee University 118
31 Emory and Henry College 110
32 Virginia State University 100
32 Virginia Union University 100
34 IGlobal University 98
35 Divine Mercy University 92
36 Virginia University of Integrative Medicine 91
37 Christopher Newport University 85
38 Hollins University 61
39 Appalachian School of Law 57
40 Appalachian College of Pharmacy 55
41 South University, Richmond 50
42 DeVry University - Virginia 46
43 Virginia International University 41
44 Union Presbyterian Seminary 39
45 Virginia Wesleyan University 36
46 Bridgewater College 30
46 South University, Virginia Beach 30
48 American National University 25
49 Randolph College 17
50 Sentara College of Health Sciences 15
51 Veritas Baptist College 13
52 Virginia Beach Theological Seminary 4
52 Sweet Briar College 4
54 Ferrum College 0
54 Virginia University of Lynchburg 0
54 Lotus School of Integrated Professions 0


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