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Texas Graduate Schools

#3 Most Popular State/Terr. for Grad Students
106 Colleges
$51,807 Avg 4-Year Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, 73,277 students received a graduate degree in Texas, making it rank #3 in the nation in terms of graduations. Students who reside in Texas can take advantage of in-state graduate tuition at some schools. This averages about $12,952 statewide. The average out-of-state tuition is $16,941.

Learn more about the most popular graduate schools in the state below:


Texas A&M University - College Station

College Station, Texas
Public Public vs. Private
$10,687 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Texas A&M College Station handed out 5,555 graduate degrees. This makes it the #1 most popular school in the state in this category. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Texas A&M University - College Station

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $6,885 $19,593
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $3,802 $3,802
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $287 $816

Public Public vs. Private
$10,853 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

UT Arlington handed out 5,439 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #2 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for The University of Texas at Arlington

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $9,015 $22,167
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,838 $1,838
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $509 $1,249

Public Public vs. Private
$12,036 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, UT Austin handed out 4,394 graduate degrees. This makes it the #3 most popular school in the state in this category. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for The University of Texas at Austin

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $12,036 $22,952
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $659 $1,235

Public Public vs. Private
$15,088 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

The University of Texas at Dallas was ranked the #4 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 3,635 graduate degrees were handed out that year. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for The University of Texas at Dallas

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $15,088 $29,252
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $838 $1,625


Lamar University

Beaumont, Texas
Public Public vs. Private
$8,411 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Lamar University handed out 3,630 graduate degrees. This makes it the #5 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Lamar University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $6,471 $13,815
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,940 $1,940
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $360 $768


Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas
Public Public vs. Private
$9,518 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Texas Tech University was ranked the #6 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 2,826 graduate degrees were handed out that year. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Texas Tech University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $6,956 $15,136
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $2,562 $2,562
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $348 $757


University of Houston

Houston, Texas
Public Public vs. Private
$9,727 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

UH handed out 2,691 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #7 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Houston

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,713 $17,857
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,014 $1,014
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $484 $992


University of North Texas

Denton, Texas
Public Public vs. Private
$8,252 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

UNT handed out 2,643 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #8 most popular graduate school in the state. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of North Texas

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $6,350 $13,694
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,902 $1,902
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $459 $867

Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$36,864 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Southern Methodist University was ranked the #9 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 2,153 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Southern Methodist University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $31,590 $31,590
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $5,274 $5,274
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $1,755 $1,755

Public Public vs. Private
$8,333 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 106 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, UT Rio Grande Valley ranked #10 in terms of popularity with 2,036 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $7,002 $14,346
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,331 $1,331
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $398 $806


Texas Woman's University

Denton, Texas
Public Public vs. Private
$7,706 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, TWU handed out 1,906 graduate degrees. This makes it the #11 most popular school in the state in this category. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Texas Woman’s University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $5,112 $12,456
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $2,594 $2,594
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $284 $692

Public Public vs. Private
$9,485 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, UTSA handed out 1,619 graduate degrees. This makes it the #12 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for The University of Texas at San Antonio

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $7,062 $25,295
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $2,423 $2,423
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $392 $1,406


Baylor University

Waco, Texas
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$38,772 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Baylor handed out 1,591 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #13 most popular graduate school in the state. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Baylor University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $38,772 $38,772
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $2,154 $2,154


Texas State University

San Marcos, Texas
Public Public vs. Private
$9,060 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Texas State handed out 1,491 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #14 most popular graduate school in the state. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Texas State University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $7,147 $15,307
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,913 $1,913
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $357 $765

Public Public vs. Private
$7,338 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Texas A&M Commerce handed out 1,411 graduate degrees. This makes it the #15 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Texas A&M University - Commerce

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $3,630 $10,974
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $3,708 $3,708
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $202 $610

Public Public vs. Private
$7,166 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

The University of Texas at El Paso was ranked the #16 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 1,341 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for The University of Texas at El Paso

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $5,865 $15,320
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,301 $1,301
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $326 $851

Public Public vs. Private
$9,316 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

TTUHSC handed out 1,281 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #17 most popular graduate school in the state. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $6,360 $16,152
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $2,956 $2,956
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $265 $673

Public Public vs. Private
$10,409 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston was ranked the #18 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 1,276 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,524 $36,273
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,885 $1,885
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $251 $961


Rice University

Houston, Texas
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$52,342 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Rice University was ranked the #19 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 1,136 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Rice University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $51,634 $51,634
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $708 $708
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $2,063 $2,063


University of the Incarnate Word

San Antonio, Texas
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$19,970 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, UIW handed out 1,029 graduate degrees. This makes it the #20 most popular school in the state in this category. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of the Incarnate Word

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $18,900 $18,900
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,070 $1,070
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $1,050 $1,050

Public Public vs. Private
$8,140 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

The University of Texas at Tyler was ranked the #21 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 1,017 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for The University of Texas at Tyler

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $6,264 $14,940
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,876 $1,876
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $481 $963


Sam Houston State University

Huntsville, Texas
Public Public vs. Private
$8,666 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 106 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, SHSU ranked #22 in terms of popularity with 962 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Sam Houston State University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $5,765 $13,109
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $2,901 $2,901
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $320 $728

Public Public vs. Private
$9,594 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

UH Clear Lake handed out 869 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #23 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Houston - Clear Lake

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $7,920 $17,316
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,674 $1,674
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $440 $962


Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi, Texas
Public Public vs. Private
$7,179 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 106 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Texas A&M Corpus Christi ranked #24 in terms of popularity with 867 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $3,610 $11,715
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $3,569 $4,280
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $201 $651

Public Public vs. Private
$9,529 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 106 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, UH Downtown ranked #24 in terms of popularity with 867 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Houston - Downtown

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,073 $14,517
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,456 $1,456
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $449 $807

Other Texas Colleges

Rank School Yearly Graduations
26 West Texas A&M University 834
27 University of North Texas Health Science Center 820
28 The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio 801
29 The University of Texas Medical Branch 800
30 Tarleton State University 752
31 Angelo State University 653
32 Texas Christian University 652
33 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 628
34 University of Houston - Victoria 594
35 Texas A&M University - Kingsville 576
36 Our Lady of the Lake University 564
37 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 556
38 University of St. Thomas 538
39 Texas A&M International University 533
40 Abilene Christian University 522
40 Stephen F Austin State University 522
42 Dallas Baptist University 517
43 Texas Southern University 489
44 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 451
45 Dallas Theological Seminary 441
46 St. Mary’s University 424
47 University of Dallas 406
48 Houston Baptist University 403
49 Wayland Baptist University 391
50 Baylor College of Medicine 369
51 Parker University 319
52 Texas Wesleyan University 301
53 Prairie View A & M University 300
54 South Texas College of Law 277
55 University of North Texas at Dallas 275
56 Concordia University, Texas 267
57 Amberton University 259
58 Texas A&M University - San Antonio 234
59 Hardin - Simmons University 214
60 MSU Texas 208
61 North American University 207
62 Saint Edward’s University 203
63 University of Mary Hardin - Baylor 188
64 Sul Ross State University 173
65 Texas A & M University - Central Texas 153
66 Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - El Paso 133
67 Texas A&M University - Texarkana 117
68 Strayer University - Texas 116
69 LeTourneau University 110
70 West Coast University - Dallas 104
71 Lubbock Christian University 101
72 Southwestern Assemblies of God University 99
73 Trinity University 97
74 Schreiner University 85
74 Texas Chiropractic College Foundation Inc 85
76 Grace School of Theology 62
77 East Texas Baptist University 58
78 The King’s University 44
78 American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Med 44
80 American InterContinental University - Houston 39
81 Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest 38
82 DeVry University - Texas 36
83 University of Phoenix - Texas 35
84 Hallmark University 33
85 Texas Health and Science University 32
86 Texas Lutheran University 31
86 Howard Payne University 31
88 AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine 30
88 Oblate School of Theology 30
90 Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary 29
90 Houston Graduate School of Theology 29
92 Brite Divinity School 23
93 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center 22
94 Bakke Graduate University 18
95 Austin College 17
96 Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary 16
97 Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Dallas 14
98 South University, Austin 10
99 Criswell College 9
100 McMurry University 7
101 Southwestern Adventist University 6
102 Huston - Tillotson University 5
103 Austin Graduate School of Theology 3
104 The Art Institute of Dallas 0
104 Western Technical College 0
104 Arlington Baptist University 0


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