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South Carolina Graduate Schools

#33 Most Popular State/Terr. for Grad Students
34 Colleges
$55,780 Avg 4-Year Tuition (In-State)

South Carolina ranked #33 in the nation for graduate degrees with 10,083 students receiving a diploma in 2021. Graduate students from South Carolina can take advantage of in-state tuition, which averages about $13,945 per year. Out-of-state graduate tuition averages $18,886. Depending on the school you go to, you may have to pay quite a bit more - or quite a bit less.

Learn more about the most popular graduate schools in the state below:


University of South Carolina - Columbia

Columbia, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$13,774 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, UofSC handed out 2,906 graduate degrees. This makes it the #1 most popular school in the state in this category. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of South Carolina - Columbia

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,374 $29,760
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $400 $400
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $572 $1,240


Clemson University

Clemson, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$12,204 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Clemson University was ranked the #2 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 2,370 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Clemson University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,858 $22,566
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,346 $1,346
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $743 $1,488


Medical University of South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$17,702 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Medical University of South Carolina was ranked the #3 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 807 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Medical University of South Carolina

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $16,333 $24,304
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,369 $1,369
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $807 $1,341


Winthrop University

Rock Hill, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$16,186 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Winthrop University was ranked the #4 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 367 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Winthrop University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $15,626 $30,100
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $560 $560
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $653 $1,258


Citadel Military College of South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$10,890 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Citadel Military College of South Carolina was ranked the #5 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 358 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Citadel Military College of South Carolina

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,740 $18,390
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $150 $150
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $595 $1,020


College of Charleston

Charleston, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$14,230 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

C of C handed out 274 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #6 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for College of Charleston

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,770 $38,872
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $460 $460
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $574 $1,620


Coastal Carolina University

Conway, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$10,764 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 34 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Coastal Carolina University ranked #7 in terms of popularity with 261 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Coastal Carolina University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,674 $20,538
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $90 $90
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $598 $1,146


Anderson University South Carolina

Anderson, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$11,487 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Anderson University South Carolina handed out 260 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #8 most popular graduate school in the state. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Anderson University South Carolina

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,395 $10,395
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,092 $1,092
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $546 $546


Columbia International University

Columbia, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$11,930 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, CIU handed out 252 graduate degrees. This makes it the #9 most popular school in the state in this category. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Columbia International University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,710 $10,710
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,220 $1,220
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $595 $595


Charleston School of Law

Charleston, South Carolina
Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$44,734 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Charleston Law handed out 189 graduate degrees. This makes it the #10 most popular school in the state in this category. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Charleston School of Law

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $43,700 $43,700
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,034 $1,034


Francis Marion University

Florence, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$11,388 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Francis Marion University was ranked the #11 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 188 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Francis Marion University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,612 $21,224
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $776 $776
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $531 $1,061


Charleston Southern University

Charleston, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$5,085 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Charleston Southern University was ranked the #12 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 183 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Charleston Southern University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $5,085 $5,085
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $565 $565


Columbia College

Columbia, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$13,802 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Columbia College was ranked the #13 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 160 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Columbia College

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,232 $13,232
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $570 $570
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $580 $580


Converse College

Spartanburg, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$7,860 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Converse handed out 137 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #14 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Converse College

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $7,650 $7,650
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $210 $210
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $425 $425


South Carolina State University

Orangeburg, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$11,460 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 34 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, South Carolina State University ranked #15 in terms of popularity with 130 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for South Carolina State University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $9,928 $21,038
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,532 $1,532
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $637 $1,254


South University, Columbia

Columbia, South Carolina
Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$16,440 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

South University, Columbia handed out 117 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #16 most popular graduate school in the state. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for South University, Columbia

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $15,600 $15,600
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $840 $840
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $650 $650


University of South Carolina - Aiken

Aiken, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$14,096 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

University of South Carolina - Aiken was ranked the #17 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 114 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of South Carolina - Aiken

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,734 $29,760
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $362 $362
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $572 $1,240


University of South Carolina - Upstate

Spartanburg, South Carolina
Public Public vs. Private
$14,109 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, USC Upstate handed out 109 graduate degrees. This makes it the #18 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of South Carolina - Upstate

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,734 $29,760
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $375 $375
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $572 $1,240


Southern Wesleyan University

Central, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$12,954 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 34 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, SWU ranked #19 in terms of popularity with 107 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Southern Wesleyan University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $11,952 $11,952
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,002 $1,002
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $498 $498


Strayer University - South Carolina

Greenville, South Carolina
Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$15,135 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 34 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Strayer University - South Carolina ranked #20 in terms of popularity with 106 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Strayer University - South Carolina

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $14,940 $14,940
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $195 $195
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $533 $533


Sherman College of Chiropractic

Spartanburg, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private

Out of the 34 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Sherman College ranked #21 in terms of popularity with 105 graduate degrees handed out in 2021.


North Greenville University

Tigerville, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$12,600 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

North Greenville handed out 105 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #21 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for North Greenville University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $12,220 $12,220
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $380 $380
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $470 $470


Furman University

Greenville, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$12,233 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Furman handed out 102 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #23 most popular graduate school in the state. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Furman University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $12,233 $12,233
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $425 $425


Bob Jones University

Greenville, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$11,624 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Bob Jones University handed out 97 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #24 most popular graduate school in the state. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Bob Jones University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,676 $10,676
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $948 $948
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $620 $620


Coker University

Hartsville, South Carolina
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$19,150 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Coker University was ranked the #25 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 70 graduate degrees were handed out that year. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Coker University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $18,700 $18,700
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $450 $450
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $624 $624

Other South Carolina Colleges

Rank School Yearly Graduations
26 Presbyterian College 52
27 Lander University 46
28 Claflin University 35
29 Limestone College 32
30 Erskine College 31
31 Allen University 13
32 Newberry College 0
32 Benedict College 0
32 University of South Carolina - Beaufort 0


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