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Kentucky Graduate Schools

#22 Most Popular State/Terr. for Grad Students
30 Colleges
$42,489 Avg 4-Year Tuition (In-State)

Kentucky ranked #22 in the nation for graduate degrees with 18,798 students receiving a diploma in 2021. Graduate students from Kentucky can take advantage of in-state tuition, which averages about $10,622 per year. Out-of-state graduate tuition averages $12,481. Depending on the school you go to, you may have to pay quite a bit more - or quite a bit less.

Learn more about the most popular graduate schools in the state below:


University of the Cumberlands

Williamsburg, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$4,582 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Cumberlands handed out 3,247 graduate degrees. This makes it the #1 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of the Cumberlands

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $4,282 $4,282
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $300 $300
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $315 $315


Campbellsville University

Campbellsville, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$9,204 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Campbellsville University handed out 2,848 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #2 most popular graduate school in the state. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Campbellsville University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,904 $8,904
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $300 $300
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $424 $424


University of Kentucky

Lexington, Kentucky
Public Public vs. Private
$13,946 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

University of Kentucky was ranked the #3 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 2,524 graduate degrees were handed out that year. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Kentucky

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $12,583 $32,896
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,363 $1,363
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $700 $1,829


University of Louisville

Louisville, Kentucky
Public Public vs. Private
$14,145 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

University of Louisville was ranked the #4 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 2,303 graduate degrees were handed out that year. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Louisville

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,944 $28,340
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $201 $201
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $775 $1,575


Northern Kentucky University

Highland Heights, Kentucky
Public Public vs. Private
$10,284 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 30 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, NKU ranked #5 in terms of popularity with 1,317 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Northern Kentucky University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $9,900 $15,210
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $384 $384
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $550 $845


Western Kentucky University

Bowling Green, Kentucky
Public Public vs. Private
$12,140 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, WKU handed out 991 graduate degrees. This makes it the #6 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Western Kentucky University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $12,140 $18,340
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $607 $917


Frontier Nursing University

Versailles, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$18,073 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 30 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Frontier Nursing University ranked #7 in terms of popularity with 913 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Frontier Nursing University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $16,473 $16,473
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,600 $1,600
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $646 $646


Eastern Kentucky University

Richmond, Kentucky
Public Public vs. Private
$10,308 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Eastern handed out 883 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #8 most popular graduate school in the state. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Eastern Kentucky University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,008 $13,644
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $300 $300
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $556 $758


Murray State University

Murray, Kentucky
Public Public vs. Private
$10,071 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Murray State handed out 618 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #9 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Murray State University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $9,144 $9,144
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $927 $927
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $508 $508

Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$9,000 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 30 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, SBTS ranked #10 in terms of popularity with 550 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,550 $8,550
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $450 $450
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $494 $494


Spalding University

Louisville, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$13,225 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Spalding handed out 332 graduate degrees. This makes it the #11 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Spalding University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,075 $13,075
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $150 $150
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $726 $726


Asbury Theological Seminary

Wilmore, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$17,328 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Asbury Seminary handed out 326 graduate degrees. This makes it the #12 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Asbury Theological Seminary

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $16,608 $16,608
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $720 $720
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $692 $692


Bellarmine University

Louisville, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$13,785 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 30 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Bellarmine U ranked #13 in terms of popularity with 275 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Bellarmine University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,785 $13,785
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $766 $766


Lindsey Wilson College

Columbia, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$9,809 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Lindsey Wilson College handed out 268 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #14 most popular graduate school in the state. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Lindsey Wilson College

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $9,635 $9,635
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $174 $174
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $584 $584


Morehead State University

Morehead, Kentucky
Public Public vs. Private
$10,512 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 30 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Morehead State University ranked #15 in terms of popularity with 237 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Morehead State University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,260 $10,260
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $252 $252
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $570 $570


Sullivan University

Louisville, Kentucky
Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$15,840 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Sullivan University handed out 232 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #16 most popular graduate school in the state. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Sullivan University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $15,840 $15,840
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $660 $660


University of Pikeville

Pikeville, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$8,550 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

UPIKE handed out 222 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #17 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Pikeville

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,550 $8,550
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $475 $475


Georgetown College

Georgetown, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$11,745 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Georgetown College was ranked the #18 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 168 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Georgetown College

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $11,070 $11,070
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $675 $675
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $410 $410


Union College Kentucky

Barbourville, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$11,090 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Union College handed out 116 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #19 most popular graduate school in the state. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Union College Kentucky

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $11,040 $11,040
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $50 $50
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $460 $460


Thomas More University

Crestview Hills, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$12,890 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Thomas More University was ranked the #20 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 98 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Thomas More University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $11,050 $11,050
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,840 $1,840
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $580 $580


Midway University

Midway, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$7,350 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Midway University was ranked the #21 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 94 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Midway University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $7,200 $7,200
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $150 $150
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $400 $400


Asbury University

Wilmore, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$8,779 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Asbury University was ranked the #22 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 66 graduate degrees were handed out that year. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Asbury University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,550 $8,550
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $229 $229
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $475 $475


Brescia University

Owensboro, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$16,200 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Brescia University handed out 52 graduate degrees. This makes it the #23 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Brescia University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $15,500 $15,500
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $700 $700
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $625 $625


Kentucky Christian University

Grayson, Kentucky
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$5,200 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Kentucky Christian University handed out 37 graduate degrees. This makes it the #24 most popular school in the state in this category. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Kentucky Christian University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $4,950 $4,950
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $250 $250
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $425 $425

Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$11,795 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Louisville Seminary handed out 34 graduate degrees. This makes it the #25 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $11,502 $11,502
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $293 $293
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $426 $426

Other Kentucky Colleges

Rank School Yearly Graduations
26 Kentucky State University 29
27 Lexington Theological Seminary 18
28 Clear Creek Baptist Bible College 0
28 Galen College of Nursing - Louisville 0
28 American National University - Lexington 0


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