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Florida Colleges

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Florida Graduate Schools

#7 Most Popular State/Terr. for Grad Students
75 Colleges
$58,666 Avg 4-Year Tuition (In-State)

Florida ranked #7 in the nation for graduate degrees with 48,095 students receiving a diploma in 2021. The average in-state tuition for the state is $14,667, while the average out-of-state tuition for graduate students is $17,007. This cost can vary greatly from school to school.

Learn more about the most popular graduate schools in the state below:


University of Florida

Gainesville, Florida
Public Public vs. Private
$12,737 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, UF handed out 6,890 graduate degrees. This makes it the #1 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Florida

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $10,770 $27,335
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,967 $2,795
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $449 $1,139


Nova Southeastern University

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$23,911 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

NUS Florida handed out 4,648 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #2 most popular graduate school in the state. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Nova Southeastern University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $22,062 $22,062
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,849 $1,849
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $1,226 $1,226

Public Public vs. Private
$11,333 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 75 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, FIU ranked #3 in terms of popularity with 4,343 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Florida International University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $9,119 $21,600
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $2,214 $2,838
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $456 $1,002

Public Public vs. Private
$10,428 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 75 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, USF Tampa ranked #4 in terms of popularity with 4,271 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of South Florida - Main Campus

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,350 $19,048
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $2,078 $2,078
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $435 $880


University of Central Florida

Orlando, Florida
Public Public vs. Private
$8,872 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, UCF handed out 3,713 graduate degrees. This makes it the #5 most popular school in the state in this category. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Central Florida

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $6,916 $25,759
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,956 $2,898
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $370 $1,194


Florida State University

Tallahassee, Florida
Public Public vs. Private
$11,553 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 75 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Florida State ranked #6 in terms of popularity with 3,207 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Florida State University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $9,684 $24,116
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,869 $2,591
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $482 $1,114


University of Miami

Coral Gables, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$42,816 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 75 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, U Miami ranked #7 in terms of popularity with 2,684 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of Miami

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $41,580 $41,580
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,236 $1,236
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $2,310 $2,310


Florida Atlantic University

Boca Raton, Florida
Public Public vs. Private
$6,693 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Florida Atlantic University was ranked the #8 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 1,963 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Florida Atlantic University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $5,467 $16,695
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,226 $1,787
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $372 $1,027


Saint Leo University

Saint Leo, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$18,436 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Saint Leo University was ranked the #9 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 1,294 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Saint Leo University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $18,436 $18,436
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $664 $664

Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$9,301 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide was ranked the #10 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 1,286 graduate degrees were handed out that year. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $9,276 $9,276
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $25 $25
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $773 $773


Florida Institute of Technology

Melbourne, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$22,588 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Florida Tech handed out 1,284 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #11 most popular graduate school in the state. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Florida Institute of Technology

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $22,338 $22,338
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $250 $250
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $1,241 $1,241


Barry University

Miami, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$17,910 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Barry University handed out 1,232 graduate degrees. This makes it the #12 most popular school in the state in this category. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Barry University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $17,820 $17,820
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $90 $90
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $990 $990


The University of West Florida

Pensacola, Florida
Public Public vs. Private
$9,062 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

UWF handed out 1,133 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #13 most popular graduate school in the state. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for The University of West Florida

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $7,088 $22,166
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,974 $2,728
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $378 $1,037


University of North Florida

Jacksonville, Florida
Public Public vs. Private
$10,364 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

UNF handed out 947 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #14 most popular graduate school in the state. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for University of North Florida

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,570 $19,585
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,794 $2,345
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $494 $1,044


Full Sail University

Winter Park, Florida
Private for-profit Public vs. Private
$16,912 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Full Sail University handed out 881 graduate degrees. This makes it the #15 most popular school in the state in this category. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Full Sail University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $16,912 $16,912


Keiser University - Ft Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$31,232 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Keiser University - Ft Lauderdale was ranked the #16 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 723 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Keiser University - Ft Lauderdale

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $30,032 $30,032
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,200 $1,200
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $1,251 $1,251


St. Thomas University

Miami Gardens, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$14,400 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 75 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, STU ranked #17 in terms of popularity with 657 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for St. Thomas University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $14,400 $14,400
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $800 $800

Public Public vs. Private
$9,876 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University was ranked the #18 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 607 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $8,019 $22,108
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,857 $2,561
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $406 $1,022


Miami Regional University

Miami Springs, Florida
Private for-profit Public vs. Private

Miami Regional University was ranked the #19 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 506 graduate degrees were handed out that year.


Jacksonville University

Jacksonville, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$16,293 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 75 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, JU ranked #20 in terms of popularity with 492 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. The table below lists the tuition and fees for the school, based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Jacksonville University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $16,293 $16,293
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $905 $905


Florida Gulf Coast University

Fort Myers, Florida
Public Public vs. Private
$8,961 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 75 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, FGCU ranked #21 in terms of popularity with 455 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Florida Gulf Coast University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $6,974 $28,170
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $1,987 $3,046
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $373 $1,301


The University of Tampa

Tampa, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$12,394 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

UT handed out 422 graduate degrees in 2021, making it the #22 most popular graduate school in the state. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for The University of Tampa

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $12,294 $12,294
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $100 $100
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $683 $683


Southeastern University

Lakeland, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$12,350 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Southeastern University was ranked the #23 most popular graduate school in the state in 2021. All in all, 418 graduate degrees were handed out that year. The following table gives a breakdown of the tuition costs to attend the school. This is based on the most recent data available.

Average Tuition and Fees for Southeastern University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $12,000 $12,000
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $350 $350
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $495 $495


Lynn University

Boca Raton, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$13,700 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

Out of the 75 schools in the state that offer graduate programs, Lynn University Fighting Knights ranked #24 in terms of popularity with 401 graduate degrees handed out in 2021. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Lynn University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $13,500 $13,500
Avg. Required Fees for Full-Time Grad Students $200 $200
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $750 $750


Stetson University

DeLand, Florida
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
$17,703 Yearly Tuition (In-State)

In 2021, Stetson handed out 398 graduate degrees. This makes it the #25 most popular school in the state in this category. These are the average costs for students attending the school, based on recent data.

Average Tuition and Fees for Stetson University

In-State Out-of-State
Avg. Full Time Graduate Tuition $17,703 $17,703
Part-Time per Credit Hour Tuition for Grad Students $1,050 $1,050

Other Florida Colleges

Rank School Yearly Graduations
26 Florida Institute of Technology - Online 308
27 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach 255
28 Palm Beach Atlantic University 253
29 Carlos Albizu University - Miami 207
30 Atlantis University 196
31 Everglades University 185
32 Rollins College 169
33 Florida Southern College 168
34 AdventHealth University 165
35 Florida National University - Main Campus 151
36 Strayer University - Florida 139
37 South University, Tampa 135
38 Ave Maria School of Law 66
39 Warner University 65
40 Millennia Atlantic University 55
41 San Ignacio University 50
42 Florida Coastal School of Law 47
43 South University, West Palm Beach 46
44 Bethune - Cookman University 45
45 Hodges University 41
46 DeVry University - Florida 39
47 Acupuncture and Massage College 37
48 Florida Memorial University 34
49 Webber International University 33
49 Saint Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary 33
51 Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine 30
52 Academy for Five Element Acupuncture 29
53 Trinity International University - Florida 27
53 East West College of Natural Medicine 27
55 South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary 23
56 Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico - Miami 21
57 Ave Maria University 19
58 Florida Polytechnic University 18
58 Florida College of Integrative Medicine 18
60 Rasmussen University - Florida 15
60 AI Miami International University of Art and Design 15
62 New College of Florida 12
62 Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico - Orlando 12
62 The Baptist College of Florida 12
65 Hobe Sound Bible College 9
66 Schiller International University 7
67 Faith Theological Seminary and Christian College 6
68 Trinity Baptist College 5
69 Jose Maria Vargas University 4
69 Flagler College - St Augustine 4
71 Herzing University - Winter Park 3
72 University of Fort Lauderdale 2
73 Johnson University Florida 0
73 Talmudic College of Florida 0
73 Saint John Vianney College Seminary 0


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